Why does having an agenda really matter?

Why does having an agenda really matter?

I am all about spontaneity.   I love coming up with plans out of nowhere, and I do believe that the best stories are made from completely unplanned outings and reunions. Just go with the flow right? That’s where the fun is. Yes. Sometimes just going with...
How do OKRs help you reach your goals?

How do OKRs help you reach your goals?

First things first… What are OKRs? OKRs is short for Objective / Key Results, and they play a big part in setting and reaching our goals. They can also help you drive productivity for the whole organization.   Setting up meaningful OKRs Setting up OKRs...
The meeting rabbit-hole dilemma

The meeting rabbit-hole dilemma

Picture it: It’s March 2021 and you’re invited to a 30 minute meeting to discuss a new initiative. There’s 4 topics to be covered, and several stakeholders on the call. Halfway through discussing the first topic, the copywriter goes on a tangent about Oxford...